Grab my Write & Release Journal here.  My 16 year old daughter did the cover art!  Go check it out #proudmom 

What is Write and Release?

Write and Release 101 is a 4 week process to help you move through the story holding you back.

Week 1 will focus on writing your story out.  Don't worry you don't need to be grammatically correct, the spelling doesn't need to be perfect, and the sentences don't need to be complete.  The purpose is to get your words and feelings out so we can begin our work to shift them.

Week 2 will focus on organizing your story.  We will learn about the story mapping process and learn to the connection we have to the characters in our story.

Week 3 will focus on the energetic alignment of our story.  The map we made in week 2 will be organized.  We will then use some exercises to really accept where we are in the moment and decide what steps to take next.

Week 4 will focus on releasing the story.  I will fill your mindfulness toolbox with tools to use in the future when the story comes up for you again.  We will learn some coping skills and have fun in releasing our stories.

Each week will have mantras to help you shift your focus and bonus reiki meditations will be included also.

Materials needed for class:

  • a journal or notebook
  • something to write with

Who is this class for?

  • Anyone looking to shift a story that has been preventing them from completing a task or following a dream.
  • People open to looking at energy and how it moves in our bodies.
  • People looking for help with learning mindfulness tools and coping skills.
  • Anyone looking for new ways to gain perspective and acceptance for what is.

Who is this class NOT for?

  • People who think there is an easy button.
  • People who may not be open-minded to the discussion of energy.
  • People who don't have a story to work through.

1 Lesson

What is Write and Release?

Welcome to Write and Release 101!

Write and Release is a 4-week course to help you move through the stories holding you back from doing something great.

Have you always wanted to try painting, photography, running your own business, teaching, live streaming, or shining your light/sharing your gift with the world?  You aren't alone.  I would bet you have a story in your mind that keeps popping up preventing you from really taking the leap.  Here is where I can help.  

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